Due to the introduction of the Personal Data Protection Act in 2012, we have implemented safeguards to protect your personal data that is collected by our clinic.
Collection of Personal Data

Data that may be collected from you may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Name and identification number
- Contact information such as mobile and telephone numbers, residential and email addresses
- Medical records and information from diagnostic investigations, imagings and scans
- Photographs and video recordings
- Financial and insurance information
The above information may be collected at registration, during preparation for procedures and surgery or during the consultation with your health care professionals. We, as health care providers respect your privacy and endeavour as far as possible to protect your personal data by limiting access of your records to doctors, nursing and administrative staff who are directly involved in your care or related internal administrative purposes.
Disclosure and sharing of personal data

Retention of your Personal Data

Your Rights:
- You may request access to or correction of your data that is stored with us
- You may request to withdraw your consent for collection, use and disclosure of your personal data stored with us by giving a reasonable notice. However do note that a withdrawal of consent may sometimes affect the medical care and services received from our clinic or other healthcare institutions or clinics involved in your care
It is your obligation to ensure that all personal data submitted to us is complete, accurate, true and correct.
Changes to the Policy
We reserve the right to modify or change this Data Protection Policy at any time.
Contact us
Should you have any queries on the Personal Data Protection Policies and Act, please Contact Us.